Applications for August 2024 courses are now CLOSED

How can we help your business

Can Kelvin Help Your Business?

Do you have specific training needs to help grow your business? Do you want to access great employees to secure talent for the future?

Then speak to our Business Development team here at Glasgow Kelvin College. We have expertise in a wide range of areas including Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Building Services, Construction, Domestic Gas, Civil Engineering, Health & Social Care, Business Management and Administration as well as the Creative and Digital Industries.

We can help businesses with bespoke training services.  We can provide access to our talented students for projects and work experience or to secure employees for the future. And we always try to deliver great customer service.

And when you work with GKC, you’re helping to support a college that provides life-changing education, not just through our college campuses but also in our community outreach programmes all across the north east of Glasgow.

We would also love to hear from anyone who is a former student of the college – or from our legacy colleges of Stow, North Glasgow or John Wheatley. Nothing is more inspiring for our students than to hear your success story, whether that is to secure a job in the trade you learned here or to lead a multi-national organisation. To show them that your success started here at college gives our students vision and inspiration for their future.

Contact us to talk about how we can help grow your business, we look forward to welcoming you to GKC:

Liz Breckenridge

0141 630 5124

07891 941110
