Applications for August 2024 courses are now CLOSED

Course Welcome and Freshers

Sustain stall at Freshers week

Now Here At Kelvin!

Congratulations - You’re about to become part of the Kelvin Family and set off on your unique College journey. To get you started in the best way possible, you can come along to your Course Welcome and Freshers event where you can meet your classmates and the staff!

We look forward to meeting you at your campus event in August.  Remember to check your timetable on the MyKelvin App to find out your slot and for your course start date the following week.  For any queries, contact:

The events will run across our campus buildings and you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Meet and mingle with your new classmates
  • Connect with your Student Association representatives
  • Meet your Lecturer and discover what you can expect from your course
  • Apply for a digital device to support your studies if you are eligible.
  • Find out more about our Library and the exciting resources you can link to
  • Chat to our excellent support staff about the services you can access
  • Take part in the Freshers’ Fair with lots of information, stalls, clubs, fun activities and prizes.

What you can expect on the day: 

    • GAMES!  Challenge yourself and your new friends with our carnival mini-games such as ski-ball, tin-can-alley and ring-toss.
    • COMPETITIONS AND PRIZES!   Who will drive the fastest lap on our racing simulator and win an unbelievable prize?  Who will be victorious in our gamer tournaments including Mario Kart and Just Dance?
    • PERFORMERS! Feast your eyes as we showcase local creative talent from Team Kelvin and our local community!
    • YOUR COLLEGE! Find out all about our wide ranging support services, available to all students.  Meet your Student Association presidents and tell us which clubs & societies are important to you.  Discover what we can all do to look after ourselves, each other and our planet.
    • YOUR COMMUNITY! Meet our incredible community partners whose services help to make sure everyone gets all the help and support they need to be successful.
    • …and so much more!  We will share more details about the events in the weeks leading up to the events on the website and social media so make sure you follow us for updates.

VOLUNTEERS sign up here!  Volunteer with GKCSA and help us make the events a day to remember!  Contact with your contact details and someone will be in touch ASAP! 


You may have lots of questions and we’ve put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.

We look forward to meeting you at your campus event in August.


What will happen on the day?

You will meet your classmates, meet your Lecturer, meet support service staff, your Student Association, see around your home campus and the exciting facilities available and get the chance to discuss your course in more detail.

Our Freshers’ Fairs will also have lots of exciting activities, clubs, competitions, prizes and useful information for your student life.

How long will it take?

Around 2.5 hours

Will there be refreshments / canteen facilities / vending machines

Yes – and we’ll be offering you free snacks and refreshments

Can I apply for the loan of a digital device?

Yes, if you are eligible you can complete a loan agreement and find out more about the excellent services through our Library

What Support Staff Services will be available?

Support staff from all our departments will be available to give you information

Is it compulsory that I attend?

No, it’s not compulsory and it won’t affect your attendance if you’re unable to attend on the day as the event doesn’t form part of your studies.

Please refer to your MyKelvin App for your start date, or contact

Will I receive bursary, SAAS funding, childcare funding or travel expenses for that day?

Unfortunately not, as we can only provide this support once your course has begun in week commencing 19th August, and the Welcome event is not part of your studies
