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Modern Slavery Statement

Human Trafficking and Exploitation – Modern Slavery Act 2015

Human trafficking and exploitation are crimes that involve trading human beings as commodities and exploiting them for profit or personal benefit. Some examples of the forms of exploitation to which victims can be subjected are:

Sexual – including commercial sexual exploitation such as prostitution, pornography, lap dancing and stripping.
Labour – e.g. factory, agricultural, food industry, care work, hospitality industry, construction
Domestic Servitude – e.g. housework, cooking, childcare
Criminal – e.g. cannabis cultivation, shoplifting, petty crime, fraud (benefits/identify thefts), forced and sham marriages
Organ Removal

These crimes that can be committed against men and women, adults and children, UK citizens and non-UK citizens. Travel from one place to another is not a required action for there to be an offence of human trafficking in Scotland and it does not matter if the victim ‘consented’.

The relevant legislation in Scotland, which incorporates parts of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 Human Trafficking and Exploitation.
