Vacancy - Principal and Chief Executive

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College Welcomes MSPs


The College has been hosting several visits recently with key MSPs who have a real interest in Kelvin’s activities as part of their roles on the Scottish Government’s Education, Children and Young People Committee.

Stephen Kerr MSP visited midweek and further guests were Willie Rennie MSP for North East Fife and Bob Doris MSP for Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn.

All were extremely interested to see around the skills areas, workshops and new amenity areas for students.  They chatted with students and even got to try out some of the exciting technology available to help learners gain cutting-edge skills in a range of industries.

Principal, Derek Smeall and Chair of the Board of Management, Ian Patrick, were delighted to welcome them to the Springburn campus and spotlight the talents on show.

Derek said;

“Here at Kelvin College we are very keen to showcase our students’ achievements, the quality of their learning experience and the skills they bring to the workplace.  We are confident that they will leave Kelvin equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in business and industry, playing their part in a growing economy.

We were very pleased to provide our elected members with the opportunity to meet with our students and staff and to experience our exceptional social, learning and teaching innovations which showcase how we enrich our students’ experience.”

Stephen Kerr MSP said;

“It is vital that we put colleges at the heart of Scottish education as colleges in Scotland have an essential role to play in creating and upskilling the workforce of the future.

During my visit to Glasgow Kelvin College, it was extremely inspiring to meet many of the students and staff and hear first-hand the importance which the college system has for them and how it has provided them with amazing opportunities and fostered a passion for learning.”

Willie Rennie MSP was equally enthusiastic:

“It was a real pleasure to visit Glasgow Kelvin College and meet their staff and students. I was impressed to see that their apprenticeship programmes have succeeded in attracting companies and students from all over Scotland.

The visit reinforced my belief that colleges are key to meeting the future needs of Scotland’s evolving economy, and that they need to be adequately funded to do so.

It is also essential that the Scottish Government provide clarity over the future priorities for the college sector.”

Bob Doris MSP, our local elected member for Springburn, added:

“I very much value the strong relationship I have developed with the College over the years. Kelvin College provide important educational opportunities to learners right across Maryhill and Springburn, and beyond.  Glasgow Kelvin has an excellent reputation for developing important links in the local community also, something I have witnessed first-hand. I thank the College Principal and Chair for taking the time to update me on the excellent work of the College, as well as providing an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the college sector going forward.

My thanks as always goes to the staff team and students for all their hard work and dedication which makes Glasgow Kelvin College such a  success.”

We thank each elected member for taking time out from a very busy schedule to spend it with our students and share their insights with our Management Team.
