Are you joining us in August and looking for SAAS funding? Applications for funding are open.

Get in early to secure your course funding.

Equality & Diversity

Glasgow Kelvin College is committed to creating an inclusive and equal experience for all students and staff. We are celebrating diversity and welcome all, to study and work at Glasgow Kelvin College.

Please find documents related to legal requirements, our commitment and approach, in this section for Equality and Diversity.

Commitment to Race Equality in Employment

The College is committed to improving the working lives of minority ethnic staff and to supporting staff stay in and progress in employment.

The College will:

  • undertake an assessment of it’s understanding of racism and the structural barriers that may exist in our organisation and take actions to address these where they exist;
  • review its recruitment procedures and practice. It will monitor, analyse and report its recruitment and selection data annually against all protected characteristics; and
  • record and publish our ethnicity pay gap data annually.

BSL Action Plan

Welcome to the BSL Action Plan. Please take a few minutes to watch the video and peruse the document.

BSL Action Plan
